Saturday, 14 January 2012

Roads . . . .

Two roads, one to choose....
Which one I don't Know.
One I take, other I loose....
I stand there, my head low, 
Thinking hard, which one to take? 
One path so simple, so gay, 
The other one surely can make....
My journey hell, but it also may
Lead me to where I want, 
The world where I can enjoy my life, 
Where perhaps, the simple one can't
take me, or can make me strive....
At the end where it leads.
As beautiful is not always good, 
and no one generally pays heed, 
to the ugly one, which they should.
I am now left with no more time
to fulfill the purpose for which I am born, 
Taking the simple path will be acrime, 
so I choose the path, the one with thorns....


Jurnal Warna Warni said...

Ok, i like this poems :) it's happen to us anytime. a time where we have to chose...

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